The Great War and how to find the language to describe it:

voices form Literature and History


  • Thomas Burns



Grande Guerra, Progresso, História, Pontos-de-vista, Reflexões Literatura


Neste artigo nos propomos a mostrar pontos de vista sobre a Primeira Guerra Mundial. São várias perspectivas para se justificar ou condenar uma Guerra, no caso a “Grande Guerra”. Ela foi, por exemplo justificada pelos políticos de todas as nações envolvidas como inevitável e além dos poderes de qualquer um para a impedi-la. No entanto, não existe um acordo unânime sobre as suas causas. Foram dadas várias explicações, que foram resumidas pelo historiador Niall Ferguson: (a) Geopolítica: Os estudiosos alemães argumentam que a Alemanha, devido à sua posição geográfica na Europa Central, tinha medo do cerco. Essa foi pelo menos a justificativa alemã. Mas qual seria a justificativa dos aliados? O que dizem pensadores e historiadores sobre o assunto? Discutimos também a influência da Guerra na linguagem literária. Entre vários autores citaremos T.S. Eliot, Ezra Pound, James Joyce, W. B. Yeats, Ford Madox Ford que revelam o efeito da guerra na linguagem.


Não há dados estatísticos.


BARKER, Pat, The Eye in the Door. New York: Plume, 1993

BRADBURY, Malcolm, The Modern British Novel. Harmondsworth, Middlesex: Penguin, 1994

COOPERMAN, Stanley. World War I and the American Novel. (No Title), 1967.

ELLIS, John. Eye-deep in hell: Trench warfare in World War I. JHU Press, 1989.

FERGUSON, Niall. The Pity of War. London: Allen Lane. The Pity of War, 1998.

FUSSELL, Paul. The Great War and modern memory. Sterling Publishing Company, Inc., 2009.

GILES, Judy; MIDDLETON, Tim. Writing Englishness: An Introductory Sourcebook. Routledge, 2003.

HAMILTON, Nigel, The Brothers Mann: The Lives of Heinrich and Thomas Mann. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1979

HOBSBAWM, Eric. Identity politics and the left. new left review, p. 38-47, 1996.

HYNES, Samuel. A War Imagined. The Great War and English Culture. London: Bodley Head, 1991.

KEEGAN, John. A history of warfare. Random House, 1993

KIERNAN, Ben. Orphans of Genocide: The Cham Muslims of Kampuchea under Pol Pot. Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars, v. 20, n. 4, p. 2-33, 1988.

O'CONNELL, Robert C. The Wizard of German Weaponry. Military History Quarterly. Spring, 1989.

PAYNE, Stanley G. A history of fascism, 1914–1945. University of Wisconsin Pres, 1995

RAYMOND, Ernest, Tell England: A Study in a Generation. 1922. Qtd. in Giles, Judy, and Tim Middleton (eds.), Writing Englishness 1900-1950: An Introductory Sourcebook on National Identity. London: Routledge, 1995.

SASSOON, Siegfried. The Complete Memoirs of George Sherston. London: Faber & Faber, 1937.

SONTAG. Regarding the Pain of Others, [s.I.] [s.n] 2005

TATE, Trudi, “The First World War: British Writing,” in: McLoughlin, Kate (ed.). The Cambridge Companion to War Writing. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009

TAYLOR, Alan John Percivale. The First World War: An Illustrated History. Penguin UK, 1974.

TUCHMAN, Barbara W. The Guns of August: The Outbreak of World War I; Barbara W. Tuchman's Great War Series. Random House Trade Paperbacks, 1994.

YOUNG, Brigadier Peter (ed.), Marshall Cavendish’s Illustrated Encyclopedia of World War I. Freeport, Long Island: Marshall Cavendish Corp, 1984.

WINN, James Anderson. The Poetry of War. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2008

WARNER, Sam Bass. The urban wilderness: A history of the American city. Univ of California Press, 1995.

WAUGH, Evelyn. Harmondsworth, Middlesex: Pengun, 1964.

WEST, Philip. Early modern war writing and the British Civil Wars in: Kate McLoughlin (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to War Writing. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009.

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Como Citar

Burns, T. (2023). The Great War and how to find the language to describe it:: voices form Literature and History. Revista De Estudos De Literatura, Cultura E Alteridade - Igarapé, 16(2), 82–97.