A feminist perspective on motherhood in Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s “Zikora”



Considering that humanity transcends its nature, the present article aims to analyze which are (or might be) some of the cultural implications for motherhood and, even further, how they manipulate women’s experiences towards this practice. In order to accomplish this objective, the short story “Zikora” (2020), written by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, an important figure to contemporary Nigerian literature as well as to feminism itself, was investigated through feminist lens regarding this perspective. The conclusive insights of this discussion demonstrate the existence of social mechanisms that inhibited the protagonist from achieving a concrete experience in her process of becoming a mother.


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How to Cite

Kindinger, B. A. (2024). A feminist perspective on motherhood in Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s “Zikora”. Revista De Estudos De Literatura, Cultura E Alteridade - Igarapé, 17(1), 7–21. Retrieved from https://periodicos.unir.br/index.php/igarape/article/view/6946