



The figure of women has been and is present in various social spaces, but in most cases, men and women receive different treatments. Therefore, the woman is invisible and in the few cases in which it appears are attributed to her secondary functions or with less prominence in the action of the group in which it is inserted. In this context, it is necessary to discuss the social role of women in order to make their actions visible to the dynamics of the group. As a field to obtain information, the Cristo Rei community, Belterra-PA was selected. As collaborators were women who arrived in the community Cristo Rei in the period between 1970 to 1985, and semi-structured interview were used to obtain the maximum information and thus to have a broad perception about the actions and the contribution of the collaborators in the community. As it is a rural environment, the collaborators worked both at home to take care of housework and children, as well as in agriculture with her husband. Similar to other spaces, it is perceived that the collaborators felt in the skin the burden of being a woman in a macho society and that inferiorizes their actions, but these same actions in reality are essential for the group to advance and perpetuate its development.


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Author Biography

Moises Daniel de Sousa dos Santos, Universidade Federal de Rondônia

Possui graduação em Letras - Língua Portuguesa pela Universidade Federal do Pará (2011), graduação em Letras - Inglês pela Universidade de Uberaba (2022), graduação em Geografia (Licenciatura) pelo Centro Universitário Internacional (2021) e mestrado em Geografia pela Universidade Federal de Rondônia (2017). Atualmente é doutorando da Universidade Federal de Rondônia e professor temporário da Prefeitura Municipal de Santarém.


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