The Ancient Ones Who Say

Ancestral Pedagogy of Black Quilombola Women



Quilombola Pedagogy, Ancestry, Female power, Education


This research addresses the political organization of Black Women from the Quilombola Territory of the Jambuaçu-Moju/PA and the affirmation of female power in this Territory, whose centrality is in the educational dimension evidenced in the process of returning to the forms of organization and ancestral struggles of such women. The main objective of this investigation is to identify and understand the strategies developed by Black Quilombola Women to establish Female Power in the communities in which they are inserted. In order to do so, the factors identified as determinants for the awareness of the racial and gender profile, in the personal and political trajectory of these women, as well as the educational processes – trainers – and the knowledge built in them, were analyzed. Such knowledge is understood, in this work, as transgressive ancestral pedagogies learned, formulated and used by Black Quilombola Women in the social and political contexts through which they passed. In a process of tension, advances and struggles, the black women interviewed assumed an important political role within the movement for the defense and maintenance of the Territory in the face of the advance of agromineral capital in the region. Escrevivencia was the methodology used to embody the other narratives produced by the subjects who dialogically teach through other pedagogies, that of the challenges experienced by such women in the political and personal treatment of the difference between the different, within the Social Movements of an indemnity nature. It is in this complex process that they build and rebuild their pedagogies.


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Author Biography

Joana Carmen do Nascimento Machado, Rede Estadual de Educação do Pará (Seduc/PA)

Militante do Movimento Negro, ligada ao Centro de Estudos e Defesa do Negro no Pará (CEDENPA), Coordenadora Executiva da Rede FULANAS de Mulheres Negras da Amazônia Brasileira, Professora da Rede Estadual de Educação do Pará (Seduc/PA). Tem formação inicial em Letras e Artes, pela Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA), Especialista em Saberes Africanos e Afro-Brasileiros com foco na implementação da lei 10.639/09, pela UFPA, Mestre em Educação pela UFPA e Doutora em Educação pela UFPA.


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How to Cite

Machado, J. C. do N. (2023). The Ancient Ones Who Say: Ancestral Pedagogy of Black Quilombola Women. Afros & Amazônicos, 2(6), 44–59. Retrieved from

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