SWOT Matrix (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) of a cooperative focused on logging and non-timber management in the Amazon


  • Darlisson Fernandes Bento Federal University of Western Pará, Post-graduate Program in Natural Resources of the Amazon, Santarém-PA, Brazil
  • Emanuelle Silva Gomes Federal University of Western Pará, Post-graduate Program in Natural Resources of the Amazon, Santarém-PA, Brazil
  • Victor Martins Guedes Federal University of Western Pará, Post-graduate Program in Natural Resources of the Amazon, Santarém-PA, Brazil
  • Erick Coelho Federal University of Western Pará, Post-graduate Program in Natural Resources of the Amazon, Santarém-PA, Brazil




Forest management. Forest economy. Forest administration


Managing the forest meeting the assumptions of good management requires the general knowledge of variables around the enterprise, the exploration product, the impacts caused on the social scenario and nature, of public legislation and policies, in addition to the factors that interfere with the performance of employees. For this reason, the objective of this article was to carry out a SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) of a cooperative focused on timber and non-timber management in the Amazon. The SWOT matrix was applied in a cooperative located in the Amazon, COOMFLONA – Mixed Cooperative of the Tapajós National Forest, in Santarém, Pará, Brazil.  The fortresses found are able to maintain the good performance of the cooperative. This is ensured by improvements in revenue, environmental certification and infrastructure, for example. External threats, such as the practice of agriculture around the Conservation Unit, do not pose a risk of a drop in economic, environmental and social performance, but need government support in relation to supervision. The opportunities are naturally present in the area, since they have the ecotourism potential of the place and activities of use of forest resources still without the well-deserved incentive, such as the use of forest waste and exploitation of fruit trees. Logging is well conducted by the cooperative. However, non-timber forest products, although they are inserted in the production chain, still do not receive the same attention.


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