Tecnologia digital no ensino de Física e Ciências: uma rápida verificação sobre o tempo de uso de smartphones por alunos do Ensino Médio rondoniense



Abstract - The research is a case study, which investigates the time spent using smartphones by high school students in Rondônia with the aim of diagnosing the importance undertaken when this is used as a teaching tool in the study of Physics and Sciences. Information was collected through an online questionnaire. The results show that most students spend 2 to 5 hours or more connected to social networks, and up to 2 hours a day with school content. The majority of respondents already carry out Physics and Science activities using smartphones or received encouragement about their use in a pedagogical way, in addition to agreeing that the device is a good tool to support studies. Results of this work show good correspondence with data from the ICT Education 2021 survey, which served as a parameter for the questions analyzed.

Keywords: TDIC, Physics and Science Teaching, Cell Phone, Usage time, Support tool.


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Author Biographies

Quesle da Silva Martins, UNIR/DAF, CJP

PhD and Master in Physics from the Federal University of Mato Grosso - UFMT, in Condensed Matter Physics with an emphasis on vibrational Raman spectroscopy, FTIR and theory of magnetism. Graduated from the Full Degree in Physics at the Federal University of Rondônia Foundation (UNIR). Researcher in the field of experimental Physics, characterization of materials with the application of visible Vibrational spectroscopy (Raman and FTIR) and in the theoretical scope in simulations using the Density Functional Theory - DFT method, with applications in free molecular systems. Develops research and extension work with research groups: Experimental and Applied Physics (DAF-PVH), Structure of Matter and Computational Physics (DAF-JP), Astronomy and Sciences Club of Rondônia - CAR and with the Fundação de Amparo à Research of the State of Rondônia (FAPERO). Professor in the Academic Department of Physics in Ji-Paraná - RO, at the Federal University of Rondônia Foundation - UNIR. Head of the Academic Department of Physics, Ordinance 655/2023/GR/UNIR.


Robinson Viana Figueroa Cadillho, UNIR/DAF, CJP

Degree and Bachelor's degree in Physics from UNI (Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria) and PhD in Physics from the Gleb Wataghin Institute of Physics at UNICAMP (State University of Campinas). He has experience in the study of Nanostructured Thin Films produced using different applicable methods of the Sputtering Technique. Also experienced in the characterization and analysis of the physical properties on the surface of Thin Films for Tribological, Electrochemical and Microelectronic applications. From 2009 to the present I have been a professor at UNIR (Federal University of Rondônia), working in the training of students in the Bachelor's and Bachelor's Degree Courses in Physics and working in the areas of Scientific Instrumentation and Physics Teaching in teacher training.


Asaf Ribas, UNIR/DAF, CJP

Physics and Mathematics teacher at Smart Start. Current Pedagogical Residency scholarship - CAPES. Member of the research group: Structure of Matter and Computational Physics. He worked as a FAPERO PIBIC/PIBIT fellow for the cycle (2022-2023), a study focused on ab-initio calculations via the DFT method: vibrational and conformational spectral analysis of fatty acids. Served as a CNPq scholarship holder (2021-2022) - Scientific Initiation, study focused on the use of Raman Spectroscopy; Infrared and Ab Initio Calculation, valid for twelve (12) months. He worked as a scholarship holder of the Institutional Teaching Initiation Scholarship Program (PIBID) for eighteen (18) months. Graduating in Physics from the Federal University of Rondônia Foundation - (UNIR), Specialization in MATHEMATICS, ITS TECHNOLOGIES AND THE WORLD OF WORK from the Federal University from Piauí, UFPI, Brazil, I have a degree in Logistics Technologist from the University of Northern Paraná - (UNOPAR), I specialize in Logistics and Operations Management from the Brazilian Training Institute - (IBF).


Aser Ribas, UNIR/DAF, CJP

Graduation in progress in Physics.
Federal University of Rondônia, UNIR, Brazil.
High School (2nd grade).

Marcos Bispo da Silva School, MBS, Brazil.


Roberta Cristina Lima dos Santos, UNIR/DAF, CJP

Graduation from the Physics Degree Course, Department of Physics, Federal University of Rondônia, Campus Ji-Paraná-RO-Brazil.

Jonatas Schweigert, Escola Tiradentes Polícia Militar, Guajará - Mirim - RO/ MNPEF-FURG-RS

Master's degree in progress in Physics.
Federal University of Rio Grande, FURG, Brazil.
Degree in Physics.
Federal University of Rondônia - Ji-Paraná Campus, UNIR, Brazil.
High School (2nd grade).



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How to Cite

da Silva Martins, Q., Viana Figueroa Cadillho, R., Ribas, A., Ribas, A., Cristina Lima dos Santos, R., & Schweigert, J. (2024). Tecnologia digital no ensino de Física e Ciências: uma rápida verificação sobre o tempo de uso de smartphones por alunos do Ensino Médio rondoniense. Amazonian Journal of Physics Teaching, 1(1), 1–5. Retrieved from https://periodicos.unir.br/index.php/RAEF/article/view/8021

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