
The Revista Presença Geográfica - RPGeo is an electronic publication, of the Master and Doctorate Program in Geography at the Federal University of Rondônia - PPGG / UNIR, presents its Public Notice for Special Edition April Indigenous 2021 and is honored to invite authors to present his articles related to the central theme “Original peoples: resistance and geographical protagonism”.
We are interested in this Edition articles resulting from scientific, qualitative and/or quantitative investigations, as well as eminently theoretical texts, in addition the narratives (oral history) produced by the indigenous.
The articles can be presented in the following languages: portuguese, spanish, english, french. In the case of indigenous authors, versions in the native language (mother tongue), their country of origin and the portuguese language will be accepted.

Original peoples: resistance and geographical protagonism

The indigenous or indigenous peoples throughout their trajectory have resisted and produced resilience in the midst of so many adversities, whether in facing the guarantee of their territories, their cultures, their ways of life, as well as looking for strategies to put themselves as protagonists of your own life. This results from his experiences, which promote accumulated knowledge and continually reapplied in his relationship with nature, whose perceptions and representation of his world “mix with his organic and psychic life, to the point that it is impossible to separate the outside world from the facts properly human” (DARDEL, 2011 [1952], p.48).
When reflecting on the relevance of the original peoples, the Revista Presença Geográfica launches the challenge of making its special issue with the objective of reflecting on the geographical and historical context, on the situation in which these peoples are in Brazil and in the world, as well as perspectives on the challenges and complexities that are posed on the Planet. In this sense, we present as subthemes:

1. Cultural representations, ethno-knowledge and spirituality:

It is inserted as essential in the unveiling of cultural manifestations and representations, in which not only the symbolic elements and phenomena (including spirituality) are present, but also the diversity and multiplicity of original knowledge, as a result of their spatial experiences / territorial.
Articles dealing about: Discussions of myth, reason, magic, action; mythical narratives; History and memory; ritual; past, present and emerging identities; ethnopharmacopoeia, indigenous phytotherapy and ethnobiology; local systems of healing and shamanism; Geography and Anthropology of christianity, that is, religions and conversions for indigenous peoples.

2. Space, Place, Ways of living and Well Being/Live Well/Good Life/Good Living:

Aims to reflect on their conceptions and apprehensions of the world, spatial/territorial arrangements, as well as the relations established with non-indigenous society.
Articles dealing with: morality and community; problematize good living/good life/well being, be the tekove porã Guarani; the suma qamaña aimará, the sumak kawsay quechua or other modes of communalism in Ecuador, Bolivia and other countries; life plans and Territorial Management and Environmental, in addition to various modes of conceptual hybridization in the description of indigenous ways of life; the role of indigenous movements in the construction and advancement of alternative projects; relationship between language, culture and society; meanings of space for indigenous peoples; society, nature and environment; Geography and Anthropology (articulation between these two sciences) of technique and practical knowledge; multiple characteristics assumed by places and landscapes: sacred places (toponyms, fluvionimias), mythical and sacred narratives about the origin of peoples and their relationship with nature, protected places (Indigenous Lands, Environmental Conservation Units), research places (fieldwork); discussions about unity and social network among indigenous peoples; indigeneity of landscapes; tourism and community festivals.

3. Gender and sexualities:


Historically and socially, men and women have different roles, which makes relationships harmonious or conflicting. with the native peoples not would be no different, however there are adjustments in cultures, in addition to the search for rights, which produce reconfigurations in the way of thinking and facing new challenges within and outside the spatiality/territoriality of these peoples. Thus, the sub-theme is of special relevance to know and reflect how these populations have about their organization in terms of gender and sexualities.
Articles that address: History of sexuality (individual, anatomy, discipline); beauty productions in indigenous societies, body and territory; self-perceptions; sexual division in indigenous communities; political protagonism
of indigenous women; LGBTQI Indigenous; emotions Geography; body and person; empowerment; new reproductive technologies; empathy, sympathy and other experiences.

4. Health and Education:


The understanding of health and education, as well as Nature, for the original peoples is seen and considered as interdependent and present as a result of their experiences. As an example, the forest is the provider of countless foods and medicines, at the same time it is the space for teaching and learning, the place of residence, that is, where life and relationships take place.
Articles that discuss: health policies for indigenous peoples in Latin America; special COVID-19 and indigenous peoples: ethnographies about COVID-19, history and control of epidemics; pandemic and territory, data production; gender relations and education; childhood and culture; indigenous school education; indigenous in Higher Education and Training of Indigenous Teachers; Violence at school; Calendar, curriculum and indigenous peoples.

5. Territorial resistance/resilience and political and social Protagonism:


Due to the defense of their lands, both in the past and in the present, native peoples develop strategies that seek to guarantee the right to land, life, culture, and spirituality. In this sense, they seek allies and develop projects that point to perspectives of autonomy for the development of their territories with integrity and physical protection, as well as for the continuity of their well being, with individual and collective quality of life.
Articles that reflect on: indigenous rights and the global context, such as: Notions of "center" and "periphery" or "colony" and "metropolis" understood as poles of an unstable and hierarchical field; emergence of the State and indigenous leaders; ancestral/traditional culture and expression of identities; indigenous Geography and mapping of Indigenous Lands; displacements; Land/Territory; "Native Title”; Kastom; issues of ownership and belonging; frontier studies (national and interethnic) and the differences between political systems and ethnicity; politics at the local level: intermediaries, manipulations and social interstices; development and infrastructure discourses; Conversion, research collaboration, dialogue and equivocation; modes of indigenous enterprises; "community development" projects; indigenous applications in the municipalities; reflections on regional, national or international indigenous movements (COIAB, APIB, COICA, AIDESEP, etc.).

6. The original peoples and their voice:


within its inclusive policy and appreciation of native peoples, Revista Presença Geográfica will include articles and reports produced by native peoples on any topic related to the
special issue in question. In this case, they will be accepted in portuguese and mother tongue/native language.

The academic article must follow the rules of ABNT 6023 of 2018 and the technical rules of publication this Journal, available at: http://www.periodicos.unir.br/index.php/RPGeo/about/submissions#onlineSubmissions.

** The articles may have a maximum four authors;
** Each author may participate in one article as the main author and up to two articles as a co-author;
** Deadline for sending the article: January 21, 2021.
** Publication forecast: April 2021
The article must be submitted by the Journal's online submission system.
Attention: At the time of submission, the authors must inform the editor (in the item “Comments for the Editor”) that the manuscript should be evaluated for the Special Edition Original peoples: resistance and geographical protagonism, as well as indicating the respective number and name of the subtopic.

Best regards,

Editorial Team

Prof. PhD. Josué da Costa Silva

Prof. PhD. Adnilson de Almeida Silva
Profª PhD Maria das Graças Silva Nascimento Silva
Prof. PhD. Josué da Costa Silva
PhD. Daniel Belik (Pós-Doutorando – PPGG/UNIR)