A catequese poética de Elizeu Braga:

poemas de descolonização nas vozes que ecoam das margens amazônicas





Elizeu Braga, Catequese poética, Amazônia, Ribeirinhos


In this article we present a discussion about on Elizeu Braga´s poetry and its influence on the decolonization of forest peoples in the Amazon. We call “Poetic Catechesis” the set of poetic texts that mix performances and workshops on poetry and on the culture of river people which are developed by the poet. In addition to decolonizing texts which dismantle a centralizing, discriminating and colonizing discourse, Braga promotes encounters of poets and writers who are also interested in the culture of the Amazonian people. His poetry has been taken to various corners of the country, thus promoting a way of rethinking the Amazon and its culture. With the support of decolonization scholars such as: Ana Pizarro (2012); Walter Mignolo (2005); Frantz Fanon (2005); Albert Memmi (1967); among others. We argue that the author's texts and performances contribute to the education of the ribei peoples who need to value their place, their past environment and their culture.


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How to Cite

Fonseca , A. C., Denny, C., & Nenevé, M. (2022). A catequese poética de Elizeu Braga: : poemas de descolonização nas vozes que ecoam das margens amazônicas. Revista De Estudos De Literatura, Cultura E Alteridade - Igarapé, 15(2), 18–33. https://doi.org/10.47209/2238-7587.v.15.n.2.7054

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