



The Branco and Colorado River Basin Committee (CBH-RBC) was created based on the request and mobilization of organized civil society inserted in its territorial delimitation, having among its legal attributions the mediation and resolution of conflicts generated by the various interests of the use of Rio and its waters, and the CBH must always value its multiple uses in line with Law 9.433/97.In this bias, the present study aims to identify, through the grant, which are the main types of use aimed at economic production and whether these uses can generate conflicts on a short and long scale. Methodologically, it is a survey of documentary data via the agency responsible for the grant and a bibliographic review of studies already carried out and published in the area.The set of information was structured in a spreadsheet and spatialized within the Google Earth program. Due to the suitability of the economic production of the municipalities in its area of operation, it was possible to verify the main economic activities, through water use permits granted over eleven years (2011-2021).With the results, it was found that irrigated crops have been establishing and maintaining themselves over time, which may in the future be a source of conflict between the users of the two basins that make up the Committee, since this use is a significant consumer of resources hydric.


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Author Biographies

Daniely Sant Anna, Secretaria de Estado do Desenvolvimento Ambiental

Possui graduação em Ciências Biológicas pela Universidade Federal de Rondônia(2009), especialização em Gestão Ambiental e Desenvolvimento Sustentável pelo Centro Universitário Internacional(2015), especialização em Direito Ambiental pela Escola de Magistratura de Rondônia(2021) e curso-tecnico-profissionalizante em Técnico em Meio Ambiente pelo Instituto Federal de Educação Ciência e Tecnologia de Rondônia(2015). Atualmente é Analista Ambiental/Biólogo da Secretaria de Estado do Desenvolvimento Ambiental, Coordenadora de Recursos Hídricos da Secretaria de Estado do Desenvolvimento Ambiental, Apoio Técnico-Administrativo - CERH-RO e CBHs da Secretaria de Estado do Desenvolvimento Ambiental, Membro de Comissão Técnica Multidisciplinar da Secretaria de Estado do Desenvolvimento Ambiental, Membro de Comissão Técnica Multidisciplinar da Secretaria de Estado do Desenvolvimento Ambiental, Coordenadora de Laboratório da Secretaria de Estado do Desenvolvimento Ambiental e Membro de comitê assessor do Governo do Estado de Rondônia. Tem experiência na área de Zoologia, com ênfase em História da Zoologia.

Nubia Deborah Araujo Caramello, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Amapá

Teacher at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Amapá and (via technical cooperation) at the Professional Master's in National Network in Management and Regulation of Water Resources ? ProfWater? Polo Ji-Paraná/RO, taught the discipline of Geography for 25 years in the state basic education network in Rondônia. He completed a full doctorate in Geography at the Autonomous University of Barcelona - UAB/Cataluña (Scholarship holder CAPES) recognized and validated by the Federal University of Ceará.
Master's and undergraduate degree in Geography, and in Pedagogy from the Federal University of Rondônia - UNIR. Specialist in Geographic Information Processing in Environmental Management and in Vocational and Technological Teaching Methodology (IFAP). in progress in Public Management (IFAM). Member as a researcher in the research groups: Aigua, Territori i Sostenibilitat ? GRATS (UAB/Catalonia); Dynamics and Management of Rivers (Geomorphos/UFRJ) and creator of the Experimental Multidisciplinary Water Dialogue Research Group (motivating research inside and outside university territories) is currently part of the research group Centro de Estudos em Ecologia e Manejo na Amazônia ? CEEMA, as a researcher working in the line of research: Multidisciplinary Water Dialogue and Conservation, Biodiversity, Sociodiversity, Human Ecology and Public Policies. Researcher of indicators and methodologies that enable the Hydrographic Basin Plan and Integrated Hydrographic Basin Management mechanism to the interest of local actors. Technical Advisor via SEDUC of the Hydrographic Basin Committee. She dedicates herself as a researcher to the methodology of teaching active geography, participating through scientific initiation projects (for a significant geographical literacy from the lived space) parallel to teaching in basic education. In the master's the research focus is the mapping of perceptual indicators for mediation of participatory management of rivers and water resources, efficiency of water resources management instruments and river dialogue in the adoption of Agenda 2030 as a guideline for the local design of sustainability. As a product of the master's degree and its actions, it has prioritized the production of material aimed at formal and informal education.  

Daniela Maimoni de Figueiredo, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso

Graduated in Biological Sciences (UFMT - 1991), specialist in Biology of Flooded Environments (UFMT - 1995), Master in Ecology and Biodiversity Conservation (UFMT - 1997), PhD in Sciences (UFSCar - 2007) and Post-Doctor in Environmental Governance at the School of Geography and Planning (Cardiff University, UK - 2018/2019). From 1995-1998 he was an environmental analyst and head of the Water Resources Division of the Mato Grosso State Environmental Foundation (now SEMA). Founding partner and technical manager of the company Aqua Análises de Água e Consultoria (2000 to 2014). Professor of the Master's Degree in Water Resources - PPGRH / UFMT (since July / 2012), where she was a Capes Scholar - National Post-Doctoral Program (2014 to 2019). Since 2017, she has been a research associate and permanent professor at the Graduate Program in Water Resources at Univer. Federal of Mato Grosso. Founding member of the Observatório de Governança das Águas do Brasil. It develops research and extension projects, guides students and teaches classes in the areas of: i) governance, planning and management of water; ii) environmental education in schools; iii) limnology and water quality.




