
  • Diana Miranda de Farias Prieto Rugeles Universidade Federal Fluminense - UFF
  • Mauro Leonardo Salvador Caldeira dos Santos Universidade Federal Fluminense - UFF



AIDS, vertical transmission, adolescence, tansgenerationality, care


The objective of this study was to analyze the complexity and paradoxes of multidisciplinary care directed to adolescents with HIV / AIDS by vertical transmission and as such responded to the fact that they have a chronic disease acquired through "Family Legacy". It was defined as a field of research interviews and reports of adolescents between the ages of twelve and eighteen, who contracted the disease when they were born to their mothers. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 12 to 18 years old adolescents who were infected by vertical The data collection obtained resulted in a rethinking of health care practices, and their interfaces about the process of adolescence and how we can guide these patients to have life adherence choices. The research addressed as main themes the adolescent clinic, permeating the theme of transgenerationality, Pain, Body and Grief. Its theoretical references are Psychoanalysis by Freud, Torok, Olga Correa, Lacan and recent literature on HIV / AIDS infection. In this work we comply with Resolution 466/12 of the National Health Council. The purpose of the study was to reshape a listening area so that adolescents could talk about their own life history, many could not say how they acquired HIV and because of this some family secrets corroborated the direction of the process of accepting the disease and whether or not it involves treatment.


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How to Cite

Rugeles, D. M. de F. P., & Santos, M. L. S. C. dos. (2018). ADOLESCENCE TRAVERSED BY HIV / AIDS: CARE AND ITS INTERFACES. Revista Práxis Pedagógica, 1(2), 144–154.