
  • Cristiane C. de Oliveira Menezes Instituto de Educação, Agricultura e Ambiente - IEAA - Amazonas
  • Vera Lúcia Reis da Silva Instituto de Educação, Agricultura e Ambiente - IEAA - Amazonas



university students, initial formation, challenges


This article aims to report results of a research that aimed to understand the process of the challenges in the construction of the university life of students at the beginning of teacher formation. The subjects were academics of the first and second periods of the undergraduate courses in Sciences (Biology and Chemistry), Sciences (Mathematics and Physics), Letters (Portuguese and English) and Pedagogy of the Institute of Education, Agriculture and Environment - IEAA of UFAM. The research was based on the qualitative approach and the theoretical contributions were based on the studies of Teixeira (2005), Lukesi (2006), Coulon (2017), Goldenberg (2017), Zabalza (2004), Zago to reach the proposed objective, some questions were guiding, especially those related to the choice of course; difficulties in teaching and learning; to teaching, research and extension activities and the challenges in the initial construction of teacher education. The methodology used in the data collection was a semistructured interview and a questionnaire and, after analyzing and discussing the collected material, the results showed the deficiency with which students reach higher education presenting the lack of cultural, social and economic maturity, also, of academic and theoretical structure, causing, therefore, the delay to the adaptation in the university life. However, the research demonstrated the resilience of the participants, and the institutional need to provide better conditions and academic and pedagogical support to future teachers who enter the university in search of professional formation.


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How to Cite

Menezes , C. C. de O., & Silva, V. L. R. da. (2019). CHALLENGES OF UNIVERSITY STUDENTS IN INITIAL FORMATION FOR TEACHING. Revista Práxis Pedagógica, 1(4), 19–32.