Openness to dialogue and adaptations

co-responsibility in building learning paths




project-based learning, dialogue, collaboration


The process of preparing teaching plans and lesson plans is part of teaching life: they require dedication, research and organization to meet time and context needs. The objective of this report is to highlight the importance of openness to dialogue and flexibility in conducting a planned learning path. Furthermore, we seek to demonstrate how project-based learning can promote collaborative interventions and co-responsibility between teachers and students in achieving educational results. Methodology: The description of the practice is based on a project-based learning experience. In this approach, students have the freedom to make choices, research and collaborate in the construction of integral parts of a whole. The methodology includes a series of activities that focus on learning, requiring active feedback from the teacher and the creation of productions connected with the students' real context. Conclusion: The results point to the validity of the adequacy of the planning based on the reality of the class, which is made possible through a dialogical conduction of outlined work stages, but not closed to the live dynamics that mark the teaching-learning processes.


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Author Biography

Cláudia Bellanda Pegini , Universidade Estadual de Maringá (UEM)

Graduada em Letras - UEM (1994); Mestre em Letras - UEL (1999) e Doutora em Letras pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação da Universidade Estadual de Maringá -UEM (2021) na área de Estudos Literários (Literatura e Historicidade).


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How to Cite

Bellanda Pegini , C. (2023). Openness to dialogue and adaptations: co-responsibility in building learning paths. Revista Práxis Pedagógica, 9, 145–159.


