Testemunhos de estado d’alma

o caso do “Caderno Goiabada” de Nina Rizzi





Hibridismo, Memória, Coleção, Feminino


This paper aims to make a critical reading of the book Caderno Goiabada, written by the poet Nina Rizzi and published in July 2022. “Cadernos-goiabada”, named so by the writer Lygia Fagundes Telles in “A Disciplina do Amor” (1980), are diary written by women between the 19th and 20th centuries. In the midst of homemade recipes, price of domestic goods, before or after how to make guava paste, poetry, ideas and outbursts handwritten by a domestic woman, responsible for caring for and feeding the family, emerged. The curiosity arises to explore the resumption of this mode of expression – the collection of fragments of an ignored everyday life – in another social, cultural and political reality experienced by the first authors. Readings on Walter Benjamin, Charles Baudelaire and other critical authors ) will be made to substantiate studies on act of collect memories. The result is the poetic (re)discovery, permeated by textual forms sewn and published by Rizzi of the first feminine steps in Brazilian literature.


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How to Cite

Carolina Deodato, A. (2023). Testemunhos de estado d’alma: o caso do “Caderno Goiabada” de Nina Rizzi. Revista De Estudos De Literatura, Cultura E Alteridade - Igarapé, 15(3), 178–187. https://doi.org/10.47209/2238-7587.v.15.n.3.7301



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