


Reuni, higher education, university


The purpose of this article is to analyze the numbers of the Federal Universities Expansion and Restructuring Program (REUNI), performing an analysis of the impact of the program on the structure of higher education and teaching work. In addition, the paper relates the process of implementing REUNI with Brazilian higher education entrepreneurship, through the adoption of changes in the curricular structure and in the increase of the teacher- student relationship. As a methodology, we used bibliographical and documentary research based on statistics and documents prepared based on the REUNI period (2007 - 2012). In addition to the use of studies carried out by authors such as Antunes (2009), Sguissard (2008), Ferreira (2010), Lima (2011), among others. As a result we can see that the implementation of REUNI throughout Brazil happened in a lightened way, causing a structural precariousness, because at the same time that increased the entrance of students in the universities the structures to receive the students were still in construction period. Precarization was also extended to the teaching work with the increase of the teacher- student ratio from 12 to 18. We conclude that the REUNI changed the dynamics of teaching work in universities, with a greater focus on teaching, in addition, changed the curricular structure with the creation of so-called baccalaureate and interdisciplinary degrees. The expansion was also based on the expansion of vacancies through distance learning with the Open University of Brazil (UAB), which provides the student with a focus on teaching only, not providing the student with an experience with university research and extension. The expansion of vacancies in higher education propitiated the expansion of universities something that had not happened since the 1990s, but we point out that this expansion occurred in a disorderly way, without the proper infrastructure conditions for students, teachers and servers. The program ended in 2012 without its due continuity leaving as legacy in many universities unfinished works and spaces that were never delivered to the university community.


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Author Biographies

Agercicleiton Coelho Guerra, Universidade Federal do Ceará

Mestre em Educação.

Antônia Rozimar Machado e Rocha, Professora da Universidade Federal do Ceará

Professora da Universidade Federal do Ceará - UFC - Depto. de Fundamentos da Educação. Doutora em Educação Brasileira (2009); Mestre em Políticas Públicas e Sociedade (2003); Graduada em Pedagogia (1992). Professora do Programa de Pós-graduação em Educação (Mestrado e Doutorado) da UFC. Pesquisadora de Ensino Médio, Educação Profissional, Capitalismo Contemporâneo, Política, Planejamento e Gestão educacional. Coordenadora do Projeto Cine Cena Social.


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How to Cite

Guerra, A. C., & Rocha, A. R. M. e. (2019). REUNI IN THE CONTEXT OF THE FEDERAL UNIVERSITIES: NUMBERS, ADVANCES AND KICKBACKS. Revista Práxis Pedagógica, 2(2), 139–157.