


education, methodological tool, importance


Several studies have been carried out in relation to childhood, emerging new concepts related to the growth and progress of children, essentially the way they build their knowledge. It is in this context that playfulness is included with the objective of spontaneous promotion, activities of a didactic-pedagogical nature that provide the child with development in broad senses. This article aims to research on the use of playfulness as a pedagogical resource for learning in elementary school. The field research was carried out with elementary school teachers, essentially from the 1st to the 3rd year of elementary school, who make up the first cycle of elementary school, bibliographic reviews of scientific articles, books and published data were carried out to corroborate this search. Playfulness has been seen positively, as an important stimulus in the development of children in all their abilities, through encouragement and guidance, playfulness becomes a powerful tool to help, assist and facilitate the development of skills, motor skills, and fixation of children's learning. It was noted that the teachers know the importance of using recreational activities, however in the day to day of the classroom they still use this practice little, they rectify its importance, but often end up getting stuck in repetitive activities and monotonous exercises, this ends up harming the teaching-learning process, because through playful activities, children learn faster and more effectively.


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Author Biographies

Ingrid da Mota Araújo Lima, Prefeitura Municipal de Belo Jardim – PE

Bacharela em Administração pela Autarquia do Ensino Superior de Garanhuns – AESGA, Licenciada em
Pedagogia pelo Centro Universitário Leonardo da Vinci – Uniasselvi. Licenciada em História pelo Centro
Universitário Leonardo da Vinci – Uniasselvi. Professora efetiva da Prefeitura Municipal de Belo Jardim, Belo
Jardim, Pernambuco, Brasil.

Xênia da Mota Araújo Lima, Prefeitura Municipal de Belo Jardim – PE

Licenciada em Biologia pela Autarquia Educacional do Belo Jardim – AEB, Licenciada em Pedagogia pelo
Centro Universitário Leonardo da Vinci – Uniasselvi. Licenciada em Letras pelo Centro Universitário Leonardo da Vinci – Uniasselvi. Professora efetiva da Prefeitura Municipal de Belo Jardim, Belo Jardim, Pernambuco,


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How to Cite

Lima, I. da M. A., & Lima, X. da M. A. (2022). PLAYFULNESS: A POSSIBILITY OF PEDAGOGICAL PRACTICE IN FUNDAMENTAL I OF A MUNICIPAL SCHOOL. Revista Práxis Pedagógica, 7(8), 101–112.