A escrevivência amazônida nas poéticas de Amanara Brandão Lube e Mari Santos





Escrevivência, Resistência, Poesia, Amanara Brandão Lube, Mari Santos


This paper aims to analyze in which ways the ancestrality and the resistance are present in two poems of the work Entre portos: narrativas às margens (Between harbors: margin narratives - 2021) from the rondonian writer Amanara Brandão Lube and two poems from the book A não tão grande outra (The not so great another - 2022) from the rondonian rapper and writer Mari Santos. Such poems will be analyzed in order to comprehend the poetic potency and the strength which establishes themselves in tensions in these two forms of writing, which, despite being different, speak from the same place. Conceição Evaristo, in Ponciá Vicêncio (2017, p. 9), analyzes the writing made by black women as a "political act", and, in that sense, we comprehend the barrier that the mentioned writers have faced in fighting not just for editorial space, but also by their ethnic, social and geographic conditions. Those nuances appear in the analyzed poems, poetically reverberating at the habitual life presented, the symbolical and factual violence, which offer bold criticism to our times, denouncing the silencing which women endure to the absence of rights over one's own body. For such, this work recurso to the critique studies by Conceição Evaristo (2017), Audre Lorde (2019), bell hooks (2019) and other woman researchers which help us to comprehend the escrevivência and the resistance that traverse the poems at the works here analyzed.


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How to Cite

Silva, E., & Silva, P. (2022). A escrevivência amazônida nas poéticas de Amanara Brandão Lube e Mari Santos. Revista De Estudos De Literatura, Cultura E Alteridade - Igarapé, 15(2), 5–17. https://doi.org/10.47209/2238-7587.v.15.n.2.7053

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