



advisory psychopedagogical, ethic psychopedagogical, praxis psychopedagogical


The purpose of this article is to analyze the activities of an institutional psychopedagogue, in order to understanding of its object in the context of the processes of teaching and learning in school, as well as the difficulties due to this process where the subject, the family, the school and society into a socio-historical context. This study emphasize the importance of the Psychopedagogical Code of Ethics for its activity, the psycho-pedagogical counseling processes that aim to delimit its action, Psychopedagogy’s commitment to the school, family, community and society as a whole, its action in three times, considering the psychopedagogical diagnosis, evaluation and intervention, as well as its processes of authorship of thought, making its activity a commitment with and for the student in favor of a quality education. In this sense, the practice psychopedagogical can provide through the diagnostic and advisory the search of overcoming of the difficulties encountered to the learning process, favoring links and educational partnerships in construction of assiduous students, responsible, creative, spontaneous and transformers of your own reality and context. Thus, become importante to stimulate an education context to conduct the integration of knowledge in a way interdisciplinary, so important for inclusion and promoting the learning seeing the body, the organism, the desire and the intelligence during the process acquisition of knowledge the example of the play box that can provide through several materials the awakening of cognitive structures of the student, as the attention, the memory, the concentration and the creativity as a facilitator resource of teaching and learning processes. Thus, the ethic psychopedagogical can serve as a northward for the actions of the psychopedagogue in the school institution, in order to bring the operation a commitment with and for the student towards of quality education to be for excellence, inclusive.


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Author Biography

Rafael da Silveira, Faculdade Anchieta do Recife (FAR)

Pós-graduando em Neuropsicopedagogia (concluí em 2019), Especialista no Ensino de Língua Portuguesa (2017.1), em Psicopedagogia Clínica e Institucional (2015.1) em EAD pela Universidade Candido Mendes (UCAM-RJ) e Graduado em Pedagogia com Habilitação em Orientação Educacional (2013.1) pela Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina (UDESC-SC); Atualmente é Professor-Convidado no Curso de Psicopedagogia da Faculdade Anchieta do Recife (FAR-PE), desde 2017.2  e pesquisador dos processos de ensino e aprendizagem escolar.


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How to Cite

Silveira, R. da. (2019). WHICH THE ACTIVITY A PSYCHOPEDAGOGUE INSTITUCIONAL?. Revista Práxis Pedagógica, 2(1), 134. https://doi.org/10.69568/2237-5406.2019v2n1e3339