



evaluation, learning, constructivism


The objective of this work is to bring reflections about the evaluation of learning as a curricular dimension, its main modalities and the characteristics of a constructivist teacher. The dimension of evaluation is discussed, not as a final product, accuracy of account, nor as an instrument of threat and previous torture of students, leading to fear and memorization, but rather as part of the learning process, which aims to guide, regulate, rethinking the didactics of work, better planning the teaching. The assessment of learning must be inclusive, dialogic, dynamic and constructive. For the present approach we use the field research method of the descriptive type, with inspiration of the quantitative type approach. The main purposes that guided the present approach were: to identify teachers 'conceptions about school evaluation and whether they are being developed within the constructivist horizon, as well as to diagnose students' ideas about the evaluation modalities followed by teachers. For this, they were applied to teachers and students of the Headquarters School Complex of Wisdom - Benguela-Angola, questionnaires that identified the students' main ideas about evaluation and verified that most of the teachers work within a tendentially constructivist horizon, even without much knowledge , both on the evaluation, as well as on the curricular contextualization, that puts the knowledge in tune with the reality of the students. Thus, we dialogued with Hadji, Hoffmann, Luckesi, Libâneo and others who discuss the evaluation process of school learning.


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Author Biography


Departamento de Ciências de Educação. Desenvolvimento Curricular e Inovação Educativa Docente. 


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How to Cite

Julião, A. L. (2020). EVALUATION OF LEARNING: PROCESS OF (RE) CONSTRUCTION OF KNOWLEDGE OR ACCOUNTING?. Revista Práxis Pedagógica, 4(5), 51–74. https://doi.org/10.69568/2237-5406.2020v4n5e4197