


Conflitos, Territórios Indígenas, Violência Doméstica, Lideranças Indígenas.


This research results from an investigation carried out in the Kaxarari Indigenous Land in 2018 in Extrema in the state of Rondônia. The purpose of this article was to verify conflicts and tensions in indigenous territories, more precisely in the Kaxarari community, object of study. The method used for this study was the ethnographic approach based on Souza (2013), for believing that, using this method it would be possible to produce an authentic view of the facts and reports researched. As methodological instruments we used participant observation and interview with the application of questionnaires based on Godoy (1995b). The main conflicts existing in the Kaxarari Indigenous Land, as reported by the indigenous leaders, were the entry and permanence of the loggers, as well as the payment of bribes to some leaders of villages belonging to the Kaxarari Community. The assistance of indigenous protection bodies was negligent in guaranteeing the basic rights of indigenous people. As internal conflicts, the main types of violence were highlighted: domestic and institutional. Therefore, in view of the verified findings, we propose the development of specific specific actions, which pay attention to public policies of gender, race and ethnicity, including emphasizing the empowerment of more women in indigenous leaders.


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Author Biography

Maria Madalena Lemes Mendes Moreira, Unir - RO

Departamento de Geografia



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